Sunday, March 20, 2011

100 ways to go

I have been guided to list 100 likes and 100 dislikes, so here we go:
 my family, my friends,the color green, Shine Down, woman, hockey, football, golf, lifting weights, cheeseburgers, french fries, dogs, wolves, the moon, rambling, System of a Down, Stone Temple Pilots, Pearl Jam, Led zepplin, Audioslave, The Doors, The WHo, The Guess Who, Karate, Judo, 25ultimate fighting, Five Finger Death Punch, FLy Leaf, Nickelback, Queen(rock band), Red Hot CHili Peppers, Skillet(rock band), pancakes, syrup, butter, silverware, ice, snow, grass, the sun, night, day, when the sun hits my face, swimming, forrests, hiking trails, riding trails, rock climing, fishing, hunting, nintendo, playstation 3, NHL'11(the game), The Dallas Stars, The Minnesota Vikings, the Chicago Bears, The Fighting Sioux, The Fighting Irish,  50Andrei Orlovski, Seattle, Mountain sky lines, big coniferous trees, Brownie(grandpa's pitbull), motorcyles, sprinting, hard work, intelligence, respect, good manners, sex, understanding, being understood, yelling, laughing, swearing, steel toe boots, loading pre fabricated concrete, unloading prefabricated concrete, relaxing, pizza, yogurt, carrots, 75apples, bananas, pineapples, green beans, T-bone steak, small towns, concerts, bon fires, comfortable couches, strip clubs, theatres, The Blue Moose(bar and grill),87 300(movie), THe WOlfman (movie), Lord of the RIngs(movie), Silver Bullet(movie), Harry Potter, Over the Top(movie), Turkey meat, ketchup, The Hunchback of Notre Dame(movie),  Sofia Vergara, Modern Family(the tv series), Catholicism, christianity, agnosticism, blue skies, new love interests, travelling, ( a couple extra in case I miscounted.)
100 dislikes
over thinking, over opinionated people, complaining about something and not doing anything about it, peas, cellphones, doing the dishes, laundry, lack of results after a great effort, hangovers, bitches, assholes, power mongers, random hair, overweight complaints, running, jogging, spit rain, sneaksters, plotters, slobs, drunks, time, high school, the bar smell,25 cigarettes, smokers, ash trays, ciggy butts, fat in foods that I like, health issues, wining, spoiled brats, cold cars, mild summers, the wind, thistles, burs, ungrateful rich people, private clubs, global warming, earth quakes, tornadoes, floods, animal extinction, dumb people, bad teeth, fat guts, huge butts, 60anger, being mis informed, pansey men, bullies, geese, managers, shoes wearing out, clothes wearing down, garbage, cabbage, child abusers, chomos,  messy cars, messy apartments, messy rooms, anal people, bossy people, flem,  weeds in water, muddy lake bottoms, salt water, flimsy chairs, heavy pianos, dirt under my finger nails, 75grass stains, deadlines, bad grades, under achieving, cleaning the bathroom, mopping, leftovers, food stains, burned out lights, sloppy sloppy joes, referees, losing, pesterers, too hot of food, too spicy food, cold food, being sick, coldsores, rashes, doctors, politicians, stock market, tying my shoes, ex girlfriends, holey blankets, pet hair,

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